.................. WORDFLY FEATURE .................. I want to add the code that corrects extra spacing in Apple clients and devices running iOS 10. For "WordFly" emails and earlier .................. SOLUTION .................. STEP 1. Open the HTML Editor at the bottom of your email. STEP 2. Scroll down to approximately line #198 Can't find it? Click inside the HTML editor. Hit Control-F to search for font-size: 18px; STEP 3. Replace this code: img { font-size: 18px; } With this code: img { font-size: 18px; margin: 0; } STEP 4. Replace this code: .image-block, .video-block { line-height: 0; } With this code: .image-block, .image-block a, .video-block { line-height: 0; } STEP 5. Click Save